Summer Tech News Roundup

5 min readSep 22, 2023


Summer’s last days are coming to an end, and the warmer weather is with it. It’s also been a summer of remarkable tech stories, which we’re going to share with you today. Our agenda consists of:

  • Popular Tiny10 stripped-down versions of Windows 10;
  • Windows 11 recent preview release;
  • Microsoft has integrated Python into Excel;
  • OpenAI allows companies to customize GPT-3.5 Turbo;
  • Meta has released the web version of Threads;
  • How Meta is catching up and introducing new AI-based programs.

Let’s discover each of the tech news in detail and get valuable insights.

New TINY10 — An Optimized Operating System for Windows 10

Tiny10 is a simplified version of Windows 10. The project was individually developed by NTDEV. Tiny10 aims to remove all the unnecessary and unrequired features from Windows 10. This means the user can run Windows 10 smoothly for older computers and has seen major upgrades in its most recent edition. Tiny10 x64, which was initially released as a 64-bit variant, provides greater security and efficacy than its 32-bit counterpart.

Tiny10 x64 23H2 is compatible with most Windows components, allowing users to install any lacking components after installation. Despite its emphasis on optimizing for antiquated hardware, Tiny10’s update allows users to reintroduce Windows Media Player and other components. The update has also reduced the size of the installation by removing infrequently utilized features.

Although modified software is theoretically functional on antiquated computers with limited resources, caution is advised when using it. Tiny10 and its Windows 11 counterpart, Tiny11, have generated positive user experiences despite potential risks.

Updated Features of Windows 11

The most recent preview release of Windows 11 in the Beta channel includes two new time-saving features. The first is a redesigned homepage for settings that displays status information such as PC name, internet connection, and update status. The homepage features ‘cards’ for various duties, such as cloud storage details, personalization options, and settings recommendations based on the user’s past activity.

The second feature is an enhanced archival system that enables users to restore their Windows 11 environment to a new or existing PC while maintaining settings, customization, taskbar icons, start menu layout, and Microsoft Store applications. This increases convenience and facilitates the system restoration and customization process. The modifications seek to make administering and restoring the Windows 11 environment easier and more efficient.

Business Customization Options for Chat GPT-3.5 Turbo

OpenAI has enabled businesses to fine-tune their GPT-3.5 Turbo chatbot using their own data to construct models that excel at specific tasks. This fine-tuning enables businesses to customize the chatbot’s responses in specific languages, tones, or styles to mirror brand personalities, making it more consistent across a variety of applications, such as code completion and content generation.

OpenAI guarantees that client data will not be used to train models outside the client’s organization. GPT-3.5 Turbo, appropriate for non-chat-specific use cases, provides enhanced token management and prompt priming, with pricing based on training and utilization tokens. Microsoft’s AI Builder and Power Virtual Agents services also offer similarly customizable AI models.

Microsoft Has Incorporated Python into Excel

Microsoft has integrated Python into Excel, enabling users to manipulate and analyze data using Python programming directly within Excel. This feature enables users to utilize Python libraries, as well as construct formulas, visualizations, and PivotTables to refine their insights. The integration is accessible through Excel’s built-in connectors and Power Query and does not require additional software installations.

Microsoft has partnered with Anaconda to provide Excel with prominent Python libraries, including pandas, statsmodels, and Matplotlib. In the Microsoft Cloud, Python calculations are executed, and the results are returned to Excel. The integration is initially available as a public preview for Microsoft 365 Insiders on the Beta Channel, with future intentions to expand to additional platforms.

AI-Based Model Translation SeamlessM4T

Meta has introduced SeamlessM4T, an AI translation model capable of comprehending nearly 100 languages. This paradigm represents a step toward the realization of the science fiction concept of universal translators. SeamlessM4T, unlike other translation AIs, employs a single large language model, thereby augmenting translation quality and efficiency. It reads, writes, listens, and speaks, recognizing text and audio in close to one hundred languages and producing speech in thirty-six output languages. Built on the SeamlessAlign dataset containing 270,000 hours of training data, Meta seeks to make accessible language-focused AI tools, fostering openness and transparency in AI development. This action is consistent with Meta’s broader AI initiatives, including its commitment to AI applications that concentrate on language.

Threads Web Version Comes Out

Meta has released the web version of Threads, its text-based social network. This new phase seeks to improve social media’s usability rather than to revolutionize it. Similar to Twitter, Threads allows for text updates, favorites, reposts, and threaded replies. Threads is a work in progress even though 100 million users signed up within five days of its launch. The introduction of the website aims to expand its scope and contend with other social applications. Initial Threads usage declined, but it is now recovering.

The web launch is significant for researchers, as it is more challenging to investigate mobile-only applications. The change could encourage more consistent utilization and greater research transparency. Meta is examining methods to incorporate branded content tools, despite the fact that web-based Threads may not be a prime advertising location.

AI Programming Tasks Model: Code Llama

Meta has introduced “Code Llama,” an artificial intelligence model optimized for programming tasks. This product is anticipated to facilitate AI-assisted programming for developers following the release of the “Llama 2” language paradigm. The publication of Code Llama could encourage novel approaches to incorporating AI into software, thereby strengthening Meta’s position as a provider of open AI tools. Through the sharing of model weights, Meta promotes exploration and customization. This release offers the possibility of new applications, safer coding practices, and specialized coding assistants.

The utility of Code Llama extends to academic research and Python code generation. Although it is unlikely to replace Copilot, it presents new opportunities for interactions driven by natural language. Code Llama’s training on public domain code yields promising results, and while it is not entirely open-source, it encourages the development of practical applications.

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