4 min readMay 31, 2021


Over the past decade, Ukrainian outsourcing won worldwide recognition. The country has made significant progress because initially, only 4 companies were included in this Global Outsourcing list in 2015. Their number grew to the TOP 11 around the world in 2020. These are the most responsible and innovative professionals in their region.

According to estimates, Ukraine is one of the best countries for IT outsourcing in the world. It’s the most competitive access point, exporting $ 5 billion worth of services. According to statistics, IT services are the most exported in Ukraine — they account for about 8.3%. At the same time, its volume is estimated at 200 thousand qualified specialists. Ukrainian personnel often collaborate with companies from the United States. For example, in the outsourcing portfolio, there are such well-known technology giants as IBM, Atlassian, Сisco, OpenText, etc.

IT Ukraine is not limited to big cities. Small and cozy, on the contrary, they attract qualified personnel. Chernivtsi is one of these towns. After all, peace is concentrated here, Europe is close, but the local Bukovina culture attracts. Low prices for food and housing are also a competitive factor why people migrate here.

This article looks at salaries, taxes, top companies, and growth prospects with teams from Chernivtsi. There will be a lot of facts!

Chernivtsi infrastructure

The IT industry is concentrated in large regional centers, one of which is Chernivtsi. It’s the pearl of Ukraine, where the rich nature of the surroundings is simply breathtaking. The city is a powerful industrial region, but recently, most IT companies have begun to be located here. Interestingly, Chernivtsi authorities also support the IT industry development. Thanks to their assistance, several actively upcoming associations of developers, testers, project managers, and others were created.

The urban measured life is especially suitable for developers because there is no bustle inherent to million-person cities. There are also plenty of places to work — the cost of renting offices starts is very reasonable.

The Chernivtsi IT industry Overview

The talent pool of this city is about 2,000 programmers working in more than 40 companies. It’s essential to consider that the industry is constantly growing — many startups appear, and universities train more than 150 future IT specialists annually.

Salary statistics in Chernivtsi are quite competitive. Compared to other cities and countries, the cost of junior specialists remains the lowest.

However, the salaries of professionals can often be double that amount. Such low incomes of specialists are explained by the low cost of living and renting an office in Chernivtsi.

Regarding English proficiency, Chernivtsi has a similar situation with other Ukrainian regions. The English Proficiency Index defined knowledge as moderate proficiency; therefore, the emergence of a communication barrier is doubtful.

Why Chernivtsi?

Convenient location

Chernivtsi is located to the north of the Romanian border, while it is easy to get to because the city has an airport.

The cultural affinity of Europe

Ukrainians show particular flexibility in dealing with teams from other countries. The breadth of views will allow you to establish a comfortable working environment for everyone.

High-level technical education

Three universities graduate excellent IT professionals. That includes Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Bukovinian University, Chernivtsi faculty of KPI. Also, IT schools here teach software development, computer graphics, design, network technologies, system administration, etc.

The rapid development of the IT industry

Although Chernivtsi is not the largest Ukrainian city, developers still strive to live there. The city inspires new achievements because the new capital of the IT world is being founded here.


Chernivtsi is a city of numerous opportunities not only for IT specialists but also for investments in general. Skilled cadres, graduates of universities continuing their studies in schools and even abroad, find freedom in this city. Indeed, even the authorities fully support the initiatives of their citizens.

It’s essential that in Chernivtsi, most of the specialists are local Ukrainians — hardworking and creative people with a quick mind and broad views. Of course, the success of your project will depend on them!





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