Oct 22, 2020


One of our clients, a healthcare association, had on his mind to re-build the existing site to a more functional eLearning platform. The association wanted to provide opportunities for its members to improve qualification through webinars and practical training. Thus, they needed a convenient platform with well-structured libraries of courses.

Our team used WordPress for back-end and Bootstrap with the use of JavaScript for the front-end to add typographic elements, web forms, and buttons. It was an obvious decision to employ WordPress CMS as the existing website already used WordPress and the association’s employees possessed WordPress knowledge, which would simplify future platform support.

This eLearning platform gives a possibility to view course statuses, members’ performance and attendance, make analytics work, managing membership programs, and offer some other features for effective eLearning.

Developing a new eLearning platform allowed the association to attract more members and provide them with the opportunity to improve their qualifications. Back then, the website was just a mere business card, while later it turned into a more functional, sophisticated, and reliable online education platform.

More interesting cases you can read on our website.




Written by Agiliway

Custom software development company offering a wide range of IT Consulting, Web and Mobile development, Quality Management, BI and BigData services.

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